Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Makeup Revolution Iconic Palettes VS Urban Decay Naked Palettes

I was recently in Ulta the past month and have been super interested in a brand called Makeup Revolution. I have tried a few products from them before including their colored concealer palette, and one of their eyeshadow palettes. As I was looking at their makeup, I noticed the Iconic Palettes looked VERY similar to palettes I've already owned... the Urban Decay Naked palettes. I did some online searching and discovered they were actually a pretty close dupe to the $54 (I believe) palettes. So I decided to do some swatch and palette comparisons because... SCIENCE! I didn't post too many photos of the Naked palette's actual palette design because I'm sure by now everyone is pretty familiar with them and know what they look like by now! Please ignore the panned shadows in my palettes, I use my Naked palettes pretty often and have fallen in love with some of the colors, lol. 

Above is is a photo of all the Makeup Revolution Iconic palettes. From left to right: Iconic 1, Iconic 2, and Iconic 3. The palette itself isn't as fancy and pretty as the UD Naked palettes but presentation isn't really that important to me, especially when it saves some cash! However, these palettes do come with one of those cheap-y eyeshadow brushes that no one really uses, and all the UD palettes come with their own brand of brush which are amazing btw. The eyeshadows themselves are pretty good quality. You may get a few chalky or rough textured shadows but I've also found them in the UD palettes as well. The biggest factor in this is that the UD Palettes run for around $54 found at many stores (which is probably mostly due to the palette look itself, brand name, and makeup brush included), and the MR Iconic Palettes only cost $7 (personally I've only seen) at Ulta. *All of the swatches are over a primer with my finger*

UD Naked Palette 1 vs Makeup Revolution Iconic 1

 Just looking at the palettes next to each other, most of the shadows (just looking at them in the pan) look very similar to each other. The only color that looks off is the color Hustle. UD's Hustle is a lot more reddish-based looking in the pan compared to MR color that looks more gold-based.

[UD First, MR Second] From left to right: Virgin, Sin, Naked, Sidecar, Buck, Half Baked
[UD First, MR Second] From left to right: Smog, Darkhorse, Toasted, Hustle, Creep, Gunmetal

So by comparing the swatches, the colors that match the closest and I'd consider a dupe would be Virgin, Sin, Sidecar, Darkhorse, Creep, and Gunmetal. UD's Naked is much more pigmented than MR's shadow and also a bit darker. It took a lot of swipes for MR's to show up on my skin. Same thing with Buck. I'd saw MR's shadow has a bit of a grey-ish hue to it as well. UD's Half Baked is a more sub-dued gold compared to MR's, however I do love both of the shades equally. MR's comparison to Smog has more gold to it, and so does Hustle. Just like in the pan UD's Hustle is much more of a red-toned brown. Creep has a bit of a difference but if you're using it as a outer corner color, it will definitely have the same effect so I'm going to count it in as a dupe!

Rating: 4/5

UD Naked Palette 2 vs Makeup Revolution Iconic 2

Now these colors just looking at the palettes look EXACTLY the same, so let's just go right to the swatches.

 [UD First, MR Second] From left to right: Foxy, Half Baked, Bootycall, Chopper, Tease, Snakebite

 [UD First, MR Second] From left to right: Suspect, Pistol, Verve, YDK, Busted, Blackout

I'd say that the majority colors of these shadows match prettyyyyy close to the UD's palette. I think this palette is the best matching out of the 3 in my opinion. Getting down to more specifics, I have to say that Foxy and MR shadow are not dupes. Foxy is more neutral, which MR has a pink tone to it. I was actually disappointed in BOTH of the way these two colors watched cause neither were really showing up no matter how many times I swatched them. They both would be good being a color to blend another out at the brow bone however. For some reason, UD decided to have Half Baked in both Naked 1 and 2, but in Iconic 2, MR got it right on this one in creating a dupe for this. At least you get a different gold with MR and not just the same shade!!! *AHEM, Urban Decay*. I actually prefer MR's version of Bootycall. It's a lot more shimmery. Snakebite, Suspect, and Pistol are a little off, but only by a touch. MR's version of Busted is a tad lighter than UD's. I was pleasantly surprised at how pigmented MR's Blackout came out to be the same as UD's!

Rating: 5/5

 UD Naked Palette 3 vs Makeup Revolution Iconic 3

Unfortunately, I do not own UD Naked 3. I never bought Naked 3 because the colors seemed like I wouldn't wear them as much as the other Naked palettes, and I could buy a TON more things with $54 besides a makeup palette. But I added a photo of the palette for pan comparisons. Just looking at them, they seem to have the similar "rose gold" color assortment. The first color in MR's palette barely showed up, if at all. And MR's version of Limit was a very strange color and took a while for the color to actually show up. My favorite colors out of the Iconic palette would have to be MR's versions of Trick, Nooner, Liar, and Blackheart. 
Rating: N/A

Do you think the Makeup Revolution Iconic palettes are good dupes of Urban Decay's Naked Palettes? 

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