Monday, December 2, 2013

My Current Skincare Routine

Hello readers! I am back with another post and this time it will be about my current skincare routine. I have been obsessed with skincare products as of lately because I got so informed and became more involved with my skin when I attended Esthetics (skincare) school pursuing my Esthetician license. Before that, I would use decent products, but I learned that the products I was using on my skin were way to harsh for my sensitive skin type causing my skin to become sensitized after a while of using them.

I am also going to explain to you my specific skin concerns and history. *Disclaimer: Even if you have the same exact skin conditions and type as me, doesn't mean these products that I am recommending will work for you the exact same way! Everyone's skin has a different way of reacting to products, it just takes some trial and error to find the perfect skincare routine for yourself! I've went through several products before finding my favorites! Now onto my skin! My skin type is Combination, which means I am oily in my T-Zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and normal/dry on the rest of my face. My skin conditions include acne and moderate sensitivity. I have always battled with acne ever since middle school. Up until recently, I have never had more than 5 pimples on my face but something in my body must have changed where I'm getting a lot of breakout activity. It has been getting a lot better though with a few product changes from my past skincare routine to my current. I also suffer from large pores (or so I say they are!) on my cheeks and nose which I hate! For those, I have only found semi-permanent solutions (I don't think there is any way to permanently get rid of large pores btw!). So, now I'm going to get onto my skincare routine and I will try to fit in as much info as possible!

Makeup Removers

Maybelline Clean Express! Classic Eye Makeup Remover (Drugstore; $5.99)
I only do this step at night when I need to remove my makeup before heading to bed. You always want to make sure you clean off your makeup thoroughly before you sleep because if you don't you could get clogged pores, breakouts, and you don't want to sleep with your face dirty! I use Maybelline's Clean Express Eye Makeup Remover (In Classic, but they also have a Waterproof version!) with cotton pads to take off my eye makeup. Trust me, this stuff gets everything off and I wear TONS of eye makeup! It gets off the mascara good as well! I really like that it doesn't irritate or scratch around my eyes and that it's more of a gel-like consistency so it goes on smoother and gentler. And, it's a drugstore product!

up & up Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes (Target)
I use makeup wipes to remove some of my face makeup before I use my cleanser because I like my face to be makeup free when I go to sleep. The brand of the makeup wipes I use vary because I go through them fairly quickly so I just buy whatever is on sale. I don't really have a preference when it comes to these because they all seem to work the same. The one's I'm currently using are from Target and they were having a sale on these for a two pack of 50 count wipes so I picked those up and haven't ran out yet. 


Dermalogica PreCleanse (Ulta; $37)
This is a very different cleanser that you probably haven't used yet. It's a plant-based cleansing oil that melts away the oils on your face (I will explain why this is even great for oily skin!), waterproof makeup (so you can even use it as a makeup remover!), environmental pollutants and residual skin products. I know, you are thinking "I have oily skin, why would I use a cleansing oil?" Well, here's your answer. Simple: Oil attracts Oil. So when you are using a cleansing oil, it tricks your skin into thinking it's already producing enough oil and the extra oil on your face will be cleansed off with this product! It's a higher priced skin product, but you don't need a lot at all! I've went through 2 bottles of this stuff and I need to go out to buy some more, it's so great! I will also explain how to use it. First, you want to put a small bit of it in your hand and rub it all over your face. Then, you will take some water and lather it up while it's on your face emulsifying it. Then you can rinse it off. You can just use this as your cleanser, but I recommend using a cleanser afterwards because this product allows your cleanser to penetrate into your skin better!

Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser (Ulta, $15)
I've recently started to use Mario Badescu's products recently and completely fell in love with the line! I love that it's quality skin products at affordable prices (compared to Dermalogica). This cleanser is especially for people who have acne problems (from mild to moderate, if you have severe acne then I recommend going to the Dermatologist). It contains Salicylic Acid to help get rid of pimples as well as Aloe Vera and Chamomile to calm acne inflammation. I really like that compared to drugstore acne cleansers, I could use this as many times as I want a day and not have my skin feeling dry and flaky. When I would use a drugstore acne cleanser, using it twice a day dried out my skin completely. With this cleanser, my skin felt neither too dry or too oily. This is not a typical foaming cleanser, it has little to no foaming action when you cleanse your face which I find nice personally because it feels like it's smoothing over my face. The lid flips out into a nozzle which I like because it's easy to control how much product you are using.

Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips Combo Pack (Drugstore; about $9 for 14 strips)
I used to use these pore strips a while back and for some reason I can't remember why, I stopped using them, maybe because the price turned me off after a while but recently, I picked them back up and started using them again and I couldn't care about the price because they actually work! I get annoying blackheads on my nose and forehead area and they are extremely hard to remove. With these strips, it takes the frustration out of extracting blackheads. These strips are made to remove dirt and oils from pores and blackheads. What I like to do before I use these is to steam my skin to open my pores. You can do this by boiling a pot of water and letting the steam hit your face (but don't put your face too close!). Then you put these on wet skin and let them dry. Once they are dry you can pull them off but be very gentle because sometimes they tend to stick and are hard to take off. The only downside with these is that if it's stuck well, it leaves a sticky residue on your skin, but if you exfoliate afterwards, it should remove that. 


Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant (Ulta, $52)
The exfoliator I use on a daily basis is Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant. Yes, the price is a bit high for this product, but trust me, it's worth it and you get tons of product! Firstly, I really like that it's gentle enough for sensitive skin to use and you can use it everyday, which is why it's called "Daily", unlike a regular exfoliator which you should only use maximum 2 times a week. It's a rice-based powder (which it has a distinct rice smell as well) that you mix with water to activate it. 
It's important that you include exfoliation in your skincare routine because it exfoliates your dead skin cells leaving your skin smoother and brighter. 

Med Peel Fusion Peel
This is one product I will NOT recommend to you unless you are a trained Esthetician but I will tell you about it. Chemical peels are a chemical form of exfoliation. If you are interested in getting a peel, I would recommend going to a Licensed Esthetician to get one that way he/she can recommend the best treatment and if you would be a candidate for chemical peels because there are some contraindications (a condition or factor that serves as a reason to withhold a certain treatment). I bought this peel online along with a medium strength Salicylic Peel. The Fusion Peel contains 8 peeling ingredients - TCA, Salicylic, Lactic, Glycolic, Resorcinol, Pumpkin Enzyme, Papaya Enzyme, and Pineapple Enyzme. Chemical peel benefits include acne reduction, evens discoloration, softens fine lines and wrinkles, increases collagen and elastin growth, and improves texture and clarity. If you do plan on getting a chemical peel, you should know that you may feel a tingling sensation. The strength of the peel depends on your pain tolerance. If it's low, they have mild peels as well. You can get a peel once every month.


Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque (Drugstore; $5)
Masks are my favorite part of my skincare routine. I have a different mask for different skin concerns of mine and I use them twice a week. The Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque is a drugstore mask that I read a lot of bloggers raving about. I decided to buy it because I've seen it improve skin greatly and it's only $5 so I thought, heck, why not? I've already went through a bottle and a half of this stuff, it's amazing. It's also a drugstore alternative to another product I'm going to mention next. This mask dries up acne pimples, rinses away blackheads and shrinks enlarged pores and I have to say my skin definitely improves after using this. My pimples are dried up, I'm not so sure about my blackheads because they are very stubborn unfortunately, and my pores definitely look 50% smaller after using this.  It has a minty smell to it and if you have super sensitive skin, it may burn a little. My skin burns only after 1 minute of putting it on and then it goes away quickly. You want to wait until it dries 10-15 and then rinse it off. It's a little difficult removing, but that's usually the fact with clay-based masks.

Glam Glow Super-Clearing Mud Mask Treatment (Sephora, $69)
This is the most expensive product in my skincare routine and it's not something I would use every week mainly because of the cost. I decided to pick this up when Sephora had a holiday deal going on which included the Glam Glow Mud Mask and the Glam Glow Tinglefoliant for only $60 or something like that so I decided to pick it up then. I heard so so so many great things about this product so I had to try it out. This mud mask is beneficial to skin with acne breakouts and white/blackheads but I wouldn't recommend it to someone with aging skin. The thing I like about this product is that you can actually see it working! It goes on a dark gray color and dries to a light gray leaving the pores it cleaned out as dark gray spots on your face. It's really cool! It has an ingredient called Activated-X Charcoal to magnetically draw out dirt and pores. I really like the consistency of this product even with the random chunks in it. Like I said, because of the price, 
I wouldn't recommend using it daily, but as a treat to your skin 
or if you have a special occasion coming up!

Mario Badescu Whitening Mask (Ulta, $24)
I would highly recommend the Mario Badescu Whitening Mask for anyone suffering with acne scarring like I am. This product has made my acne scarring fade dramatically and I couldn't be happier with this mask! I was actually doubting the effects of this product when I bought it but I decided I would try it anyways because of the rave reviews on other blogs. This mask also brightens uneven skin tones and discolorations from the sun but I cannot comment about the effectiveness on those because I only use it to fade acne scars. This mask does have a berry-like smell to it as well which is very nice. You want to leave this mask on for 5-10 minutes until it dries and then rinse it off. You should use this mask twice every week for greater results.

Dermalogica Skin Hydrating Masque (Ulta, $40)
This is yet another Dermalogica product which is love. The main reason why a lot of these products are from Dermalogica is because we trained with this brand at school and fell in love with many of their products. This is their Skin Hydrating Masque and I can't say how much I love this product. I have a smaller sample size but I am almost running out so I'm going to definitely buy it in full size this time. This mask is a hydrating, oil-free gel that restores moisture to dry or dehydrated skin without causing oiliness. It has a slight cucumber smell which is nice and it feels cool and soothing when you apply it. My skin sucks this mask up so fast so that tells me it's working and my skin loves it!

Dermalogica Age Smart Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque (Ulta, $48)
This is a mask I use every so often. It's a part of Dermalogica's Age Smart line and it's something I definitely don't NEED at age 21 but it's something I like to use for prevention of aging. It's important around age 20 you start incorporating at least a few aging products to your routine. The mask color is a light orange color and I really like the feeling my skin gets after using this. You can also use it on the eyelids and lips. It contains a ton of vitamins great for your skin including Vitamin A, C, E, F, and Pro Vitamin B5 which help with repairing and restoring skin firmness and elasticity. It also has a bunch of other awesome ingredients as well but you can just go on Dermalogica's site and check it out some more!


Dermalogica Ultracalming Mist (Ulta, $34)
Okay, so I admit, I usually forget to use a toner on a daily basis but I should considering it helps lock in  moisture and prevents skin dehydration. When I do remember to use one, I usually use Dermalogica's UltraCalming Mist. The reason why I like this toner is because it's especially for sensitive/sensitized skin. I have tried their Multi-Active Toner, and that made my face sting a bit, so I tried this one and it's tons better. It's a soothing, hydrating mist that relieves sensitivity and also calms redness, stinging, and aggravated skin. You can use this for other things as well such as a sunburn, mild burns, and after waxing. You could also keep it in your purse if your skin needs a quick pick-me-up. 

Acne Prevention

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion (Ulta, $17)
This product definitely makes it on my Holy Grail list! I don't know where I would be right now without this product. It's an acne spot treatment that contains Salicylic Acid, calamine, and other drying ingredients. Usually with other acne spot treatments, I experience too much drying and peeling, but that doesn't happen with this product. To use this drying lotion, you DO NOT shake it up. You want to take a clean Q-tip and place it in the jar (they have glass or plastic, I have glass) and make sure it reaches the pink at the bottom. And then you want to slowly bring it up and out of the jar and then spot it on places where you have acne breakouts or a pimple that's about to come up. It's best to use this before you sleep and keep it on until you wake up in the morning because of the calamine, it leaves pink spots all over your face! I have to say, this acne treatment works super fast. I find my acne gone or almost gone after I use this which is amazing! 

Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment (Drugstore, $6)
Before I discovered Mario Badescu's Drying Lotion, I used Neutrogena's On-the-Spot Acne Treatment. It contains Benzoyl Peroxide which is a bit stronger than Salicylic Acid. This stuff does what it says but I don't like how if I use it too much it causes dryness and peeling. It's also slower acting than the Drying Lotion, but it does work eventually. 

Moisturizers & Sunscreen

Aveeno Continuous Protection Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 (Drugstore)
This is the sunscreen I use. It's important to use a sunblock on your face (and body) everyday even indoors (sun rays come through the windows) and in the winter (the sun is still out). I just use SPF 30 on my face because it's enough UVA/UVB protection. It's oil-free, water resistant, and non-comedogenic (which means it doesn't clog your pores!) It's important to get a separate SPF for you face because normal body SPF could cause breakouts and clogged pores. This SPF has vitamins A, C, and E in it as well. It doesn't have a strong SPF smell to it either which I like and it sinks into your skin super fast. 

Dermalogica Active Moist (Ulta, $39)
I actually just ran out of this! It's Dermalogica's Active Moist which is a moisturizer mainly for people with Combination or Oily skin (they have 2 others: Skin Smoothing Cream for Dry/Normal skin and Intensive Moisture Balance for Dry/Extremely Dry skin). This moisturizer is oil-free and very light weight. Even if you have oily skin, it's important for you to still moisturize so your skin won't over-produce oils. 

Simple Hydrating Light Moisturizer (Target, $9)
Because I ran out of my Active Moist, I had to try a different moisturizer for the time being. I was at my boyfriend's house and I saw a sample size of Simple's Hydrating Light Moisturizer and decided to try it. And, I ended up loving it! I got two full sizes of this moisturizer so it should last me a very long time! It contains glycerin and it does contain an oil, borage seed oil, but it doesn't make your skin feel slick or oily. If you have extremely oily skin, I probably wouldn't recommend this but to get Active Moist instead. I like that this moisturizer is more of a gel-like consistency and I like the way it melts into my skin!

Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer SPF 15 (Drugstore, $3.99)
This isn't necessarily a skincare product but I just thought I'd include it here since I love it so much! It's a "lip moisturizer/chapstick" that makes my lips feel super smooth and soft when I use it. I also like that it contains SPF 15.

I would also add eye creams if I used one consistently but I usually switch between a bunch of different eye creams since it's not a huge concern of mine, 
just using it as prevention of aging. 

If you have any questions, just ask! What skincare products are your favorites? 
Put them in the comments! 

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